The 31 days freestyle writing challenge is happening!

I’ve been struck by a wind of inspiration and I think I’ll be doing it. Just wanted to put the rules here and I’ll start very soon.

The Rules:

  • The challenge will be 30 days long and the 31th day entry will be for the conclusion.
  • The entry should be minimum 500 words and maximum 1000 words each.
  • This first challenge’s story is chosen by the writer.
  • Each entry should be freestyle. No plans should be allowed.
  • The writer is to post an entry each day unless a catastrophe strikes.

That’s about it for the rules. Other than that, I’ll be posting everyday but I don’t know when. I’ll consider that going to bed and sleeping for 6-8 hours is the reset point for these entry. I think WordPress has a different time scale than mine but mine is Est.

About my story, it is set in a fictional city in a fictional world. I’d say there is some inspiration from Asian type schools but also from the school I experienced.

The story will follow a young man named Jacob in his struggle of standing out at school. I won’t say anymore than that. Like I said, I’m not taking any notes and stuff but the way I work is very much in my brain. And I usually start with an event and then discover my character. I only start writing when I know how my character talks, reacts and thinks. (It really doesn’t take me long, to be honest. And creating characters is one of my favorite parts.)

I’m not sure of when I’ll write the first entry. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow. But once I’ve started, I won’t stop.

Okay, I’m done. It’s more of a resume of what I’ve talked about yesterday in my update but I wanted to make this post for my own sake more than anything.

Okay, I’m off now. Bye bye ^-^ /

Oh, bonus:

A trash sketch of Jacob. I couldn’t draw for the life of me today but I still did it.

Thomas quickdraw

My OC Thomas. One of my favorite OC so far. It was a quickdraw to try some new things. Mostly faces features. Usually, I keep my drawings for a week or so before publishing to be sure I’m happy with it. This one is some basic stuff and maybe the mouth is a bit small […]

Doll making

It’s funny how much I have to tell. I have so many things I want to talk about. So much so that I don’t even know what to talk about… Damn. xD

Well now I have looked at many many doll crafting tutorials and I really want to make one. It will be a good change from my candy wax modeling haha xD. So now, I need to find some good epoxy clay but it’s a bit hard because I live in that kind of area where you can’t have those kind of things easily (artisan supplies and whatnot). I’m going to the city to see if there is what I am looking for. Hopefully, there will and if there’s none well internet is my friend \o/.

Put that aside. It’s really hot around here and I think I’m melting a bit. Oh well xD.

Also I want to use as much time as I can while school is still a little far away… Damn, I hope I have enough time to make this project. The clock is ticking. >.<‘